ไทย (Thai)
In 2022, a group of missionaries seeking to reach Thais with the Gospel decided to unite our efforts in the publishing of Thai Christian resources that are Biblically sound and culturally appropriate under the banner of Seeking the Wisdom of Jesus Association. Our goal is to write mostly new resources that “scratch where it itches” in the cultural context. Our desire is to have many of these resources in three formats: written, audio, and video.
By God's grace, we have published two resources so far. Feel free to download both the written and audio versions for use with your outreach to Thai speakers. We have two requests:
1) Please do not print these materials to sell.
2) Please do not make any changes to the text unless you contact us first. You can contact us via email:
May the Lord be glorified by these resources and may many Thai speakers come to know Christ and His wisdom as a result!
(1) What does Jesus Teach about Honoring Parents? พระเยซูทรงสอนเรื่องอะไรเกี่ยวกับการให้เกียรติแก่บิดามารดาของตน? (2020)
A 9-page fully-colored Gospel tract that seeks to answer a common objection to Christianity by some Folk Buddhists. They assume that Christians do not believe in honoring their parents since they do not do “merit-making” ceremonies for their parents before or after they die. Also addressed in this tract is the importance of not only honoring one's parents while they are alive, but even more importantly, the importance of honoring the one true God who created our parents.
(2) Dishonorable Sons; Merciful Father ลูกทรพี พ่อใจเมตตา (2023)
A pocket-sized Gospel tract that tells Jesus’ story of the prodigal and proud sons from Luke 15. It uses the honor and shame dynamics dominant in Thai culture to show that all mankind has dishonored their Creator and to show mankind’s desperate need for repentance, as the prodigal son demonstrates in this story. Using engaging questions along the way, the reader learns how the father in this story resembles the Heavenly Father in his love and mercy as sinners genuinely repent. The booklet boldly proclaims, though mankind deserves eternal dishonor in hell, the good news of reconciliation with our Heavenly Father found only in Jesus Christ and the undeserving honor of becoming a child of God.