ខ្មែរ (Khmer)
In 2013, a group of missionaries seeking to reach Cambodians with the Gospel decided to unite our efforts in the publishing of Khmer Christian resources that are Biblically sound and culturally appropriate under the banner of Seeking the Wisdom of Jesus Association. Our goal is to write mostly new resources that “scratch where it itches” in the cultural context. Our desire is to have many of these resources in three formats: written, audio, and visual.
By God's grace, we have published 7 resources so far. Feel free to download both the written and audio versions for use with your outreach to Khmer speakers. We have two requests:
1) Please do not print these materials to sell.
2) Please do not make any changes to the text unless you contact us first. You can contact us via email: seekingwisdomofjesus@gmail.com
May the Lord be glorified by these resources and may many Khmer speakers come to know Christ and His wisdom as a result!
(1) What does Jesus teach about Honoring Parents? តើព្រះយេស៊ូវបានបង្រៀនអ្វីខ្លះអំពីការគោរពឪពុកម្តាយ (2014)
A 9-page fully-colored Gospel tract that seeks to answer a common objection to Christianity by some Folk Buddhists. They assume that Christians do not believe in honoring their parents since they do not do “merit-making” ceremonies for their parents before or after they die. Also addressed in this tract is the importance of not only honoring one's parents while they are alive, but even more importantly, the importance of honoring the one true God who created our parents.
(2) The Ancient Path មាគ៍ានៃជំនាន់ដើម (2nd Edition 2017)
An 18-page fully-colored Gospel tract that seeks to point people back to the first and only true religion as the belief in the one true God who may only be known through Jesus Christ. It answers the following questions: Why are there so many beliefs and religions? Which path is the ancient path? Can man depend on a god that they have created? Can man-made religions and idolatry really free one from the curse? Also addressed briefly is the issue of who came first: Jesus or Buddha.
(3) Questions and Answers Part 1: Five Important Questions about the Gospel of Jesus សំណួរនិងចម្លើយ ភាគទី១ ៖ សំណួរដ៏សំខាន់៥យ៉ាងស្តីអំពីដំណឹងល្អរបស់ព្រះយេស៊ូវ (2015)
A 51-page initial discipleship book consisting of five lessons that answer five important questions about the Gospel of Jesus. These questions are the following: What are the proper and improper reasons for believing in Jesus? What does Jesus promise to those who believe and follow Him? What is true repentance? What are the costs and joys of becoming a true disciple of Jesus? What is baptism? The book includes questions at the end of each lesson as well as a section at the end of the book that answers each of the questions in the lessons. This booklet can be used to prepare a new disciple for baptism and church membership.
(4) Believers in Jesus and Drinking Alcohol អ្នកជឿលើព្រះយេស៊ូវ និងការផឹកគ្រឿងស្រវឹង (2018)
Christian Issue
A 58-page book that addresses the classic argument that since people in Bible times drank ancient wine mixed with water that did not intoxicate, then modern believers can drink the various types of wines, beers, and hard drinks available today. The book challenges readers to consider how drinking can cause the loss of one’s wisdom, lead others into sin, and bring reproach on the name of our eternally exalted God. Other chapters address important topics such as: (1) whether alcohol should become a false savior in difficult times, (2) the responsibility of church leaders to keep a sober example before the flock of God, (3) how Cambodian Christians can politely refuse to drink at weddings and other cultural ceremonies while still maintaining a Christlike testimony, and (4) a chapter providing hope for those addicted to alcohol.
(5) The God you don’t know yet, but should fear ព្រះដែលអ្នកមិនទាន់ស្គាល់តែគួរឲ្យកោតខ្លាច (2019)
(6) After death: what will we meet after death? បន្ទាប់ពីមរណភាព ៖ តើយើងនឹងជួបអ្វីបន្ទាប់ពី មរណភាព (2024)
A 7-page trifold fully-colored Gospel tract presenting what the Scripture teaches happens to us when we die. The introduction assures the reader that we can and should know what happens after we die because the Scriptures plainly tell us. Therefore if we are wise, we will prepare accordingly. The core of the tract are 20 Scripture verses woven together under 4 points: our bodies will return to dust, our spirits will return to God to be judged, the eternal punishment of unbelievers, and the warm reception of those who repent and believe the Gospel. It then concludes with an invitation to turn from the way of death and choose the way of life found only in the crucified and risen Savior.
(7) Are all religions the same? តើសាសនាទាំងអស់ដូចគ្នាមែនដែរឬទេ (2024)
A 28-page fully-colored Gospel tract that addresses a common statement that Folk Buddhists often make: “All religions are the same. They all teach one to do good and not do evil.” It agrees that most religions do teach people to do good and to turn away from evil. But this raises other important questions addressed in this booklet. How much good do we need to do to offset our evil deeds? Why is sin heavier than our good deeds? Can we ever do enough good? If we can’t do enough, is there any hope for us? This booklet shows that there is hope, but it’s not in religion or our own efforts. It is through the one path, Jesus, that God has prepared for us.