Here are some English resources that we hope might be helpful to you. There is no copyright on these materials, so please feel free to download, copy, and pass them out to others. May the Lord use these resources for His glory and for the building up of His church.
1. For the Sake of Thy Name (2008)
In 2004 I wrote a short poem about the believer's responsibility for the spread of the Gospel to all the nations balancing this with God’s sovereignty in missions. In 2008, Matt Hancock, a summer intern to Cambodia, wrote a tune for this poem.
Sheet music: For the Sake of Thy Name (pdf)
Audio recording (Missionary Joel and Sarah Arnold singing; Missionary Matt Hancock playing guitar): For the Sake of Thy Name (mp3)
2. A Missions Philosophy Statement (2017)
In 2006 Forrest McPhail and I developed a missions philosophy statement for our ministry in Pursat, Cambodia. In 2017 I revised this statement for use with a Bible Institute class I taught at our home church in Ohio: A Missions Philosophy Statement (pdf)
3. Do the Work of an Evangelist (2020)
In 2019 I wrote a doctoral class paper on Context-sensitive Gospel communication to those with a Folk Buddhist Worldview. I got this paper professionally edited and made into a small booklet. You can purchase a hardback or Kindle version on Amazon.com